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The FFSS dives into the water

With more than 60,000 members in France, the Fédération Française de Sauvetage et de Secourisme (French Federation of Rescue and First-Aid) is growing…and so is its web platform. The FFSS has been working with WS for more than 10 years now and we are helping them once again…this time to digitize its administrative processes.

Promoting activities, competitions and training registration, management of certificates and diplomas…as much new stuff as we have web-mania! No time for cold feet !

Towards new digital shores

The FFSS trusted us to revamp its interface so that it will meet the following requirements:

centralized administration

simplified management of diplomas, registration, competitions and certificates

to attract future rescue workers and first responders and ease access to information.

The flare has been launched, and WS is here to rescue you!

WS brings your project to life

Our web rescuers understood that the FFSS team needed transparent management for their website and access to information.

We carried out exciting and very technical development to ensure that the architecture and maintenance of the interface were efficient.

The CMS we chose guarantees easy scheduled changes to the platform with daily support from the WS crew.

Let’s hoist the flag for web design !